Friday, January 8, 2010

So What's It Gonna Cost Me? (JKHA/RKYHS - Part 1)

The first school I'm going to look at is the Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy and Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School which is located in Livingston, NJ. The information in this post is gleaned from here.  There are two reasons I am looking at this school first.  1) It is one of the few schools I know of where, if a parent were OK with co-ed yeshivas, they could place all their children in one school from Pre-K through 12th grade and thereby save on "per family" costs; and 2) They actually make this information publicly available.

My wife and I would like to have 4 children.  Furthermore, this seems to be a fairly standard frum family size.  I'm going to assume that the children are all 2 grades apart (again, pretty standard).

What I'd like to show is what it would cost a family depending on what grades the children are in all the way from the oldest being in Pre-K, to the oldest being in 12th grade (with siblings in 10th, 8th, and 6th grades).

Per Child Charges
Registration fee - $500 (we'll assume the family takes advantage of "early registration")
Pre-K and K - $10,725
Grades 1 - $11,725
Grades 2, 3, 4 and 5 - $13,335
Grades 6, 7 and 8 - $14,535
Grades 9, 10 and 11 - $19,425
Grade 12 - $19,725

Per Family Charges
PTA - $60
Dinner Journal - $1,000

One Time Charge
Building Fund - $3,200 (I will include this separately since it is one-time only)

Sibling Discounts (Pre-K through 8 only - I assume this means all kids must be in Pre-K through 8 and that you save $500 on child #3 and $1,000 on child #4 for a maximum total saving of $1,500 if all 4 kids are Pre-K through 8 - even if not 100% correct, this is a pittance)
$500 for 3rd child
$1,000 for 4th child
$2,000 for 5th + child

Costs (Note that $3,200 for the building fund is due in addition to the figures below)

P - $12,285
K - $12,285
1 & P - $24,510
2 & K - $26,120
3 & 1 & P - $37,845
4 & 2 & K - $39,455
5 & 3 & 1 & P - $50,680
6 & 4 & 2 & K - $53,490
7 & 5 & 3 & 1 - $54,490
8 & 6 & 4 & 2 - $57,300
9 & 7 & 5 & 3 - $63,190
10 & 8 & 6 & 4 - $64,390
11 & 9 & 7 & 5 - $69,780
12 & 10 & 8 & 6 - $71,280

So there you have it.  Without scholarship, given today's numbers, a family with one child in Pre-K will owe $12,285 (plus building fund) and a family with children in 12th, 10th, 8th, and 6th grades will owe $71,280 (plus building fund if not already paid).

In my next post I will analyze these numbers in terms of rising tuition costs to calculate how much that family with the eldest child in Pre-K can expect to pay when that child is in 12th grade and their siblings are in 10th, 8th, and 6th.

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